I have to admit that I have been a little lost with so many travels these past few weeks, even so, these are the most interesting things I've seen in the minature painting world for this month of May:
- La Taberna y la Ratonera by Antonio Cepas: You can see there is something really especial about this diorama. Seen in Rafa Coll's blog.
- Viking Sculpt by Mathieu: Supreme quality on this viking sculpt my Mathieu in the blog "Cows and Chocolate".
- Khallas by Roberto Chaudon: Always interesting sculpts from Roberto.
- Space Eldar Spiritseer by River: This, and these Warp Spiders, were the last I saw from Nadya's themed Eldar army. So cool!
- The Plan: I find this extremely creative. Rarely seen with GW pieces!
- Nemesis Dreadknights by Arsies: Copying the original version by Francesco Farabi (this is the other one), Arsies created these two magnificent Dreadknights that seem to have taken a lot of time and work. They are awesome!
- Ultramarine by Darren Latham: I love seeing Darren's work, he is exactly what I think about when someone says 'Eavy Metal style. So neat!
- Pehua, Amason Leader by River: In this case I am very very curious about the miniature, where is it from?
- Motorcyle Club Ass Kicker by Roman Lappat: Roman has been trying sculpture lately, but he always finds the time to indulge us with some cool paintjobs, now this bust from the range of his counterpart Raffaele.
- El Circo de la Guerra by Jorge Jaldón: The way Jorge sees modelling is absolutely inspiring. I love his work. Seen in Rafa Coll's blog.
Articles and tutorials
- Pentesilea by Marina Ainagoz: Ringil shows us how to paint this Pentesilea from Infinity with this heavily inspired Giger style.
- Army Painter set review by Arsies: It is always great to have reviews on paint products, they are quite rare in my opinion.
- Tilda, Sanne's Project Log: There's some really cool ideas you can get from seeing Sanne's project, in Massive Voodoo.