Friday, February 20, 2015

Retrospecter: Tribute to the Fallen

It's Friday! What a good day for a good old...


Let's go back into the past and dig up some old classic from my gallery! Tribute to the Fallen!

It was the year 2009. My life that year was undergoing major changes (relationships broken, transition from student to full time worker) and miniatures were the glue that stuck it all together. For the first time I wanted to have a try at a big project with a single miniature, and while I spent a lot of time modelling Malus Darkblade at first, my attention quickly shifted to this new project as it came to my mind, and I stopped everything else to see it through.

Inspired by a gamer conversion that had used a High Elf lion from the Chariot kit, I decided to try my own version of a lion rider. Check the creation process here!

With a lot of help from my friends (the great Elías Alonso, Marc Masclans, Pablo López Jimeno among others), I managed to take it to GD Germany 2009, where it got Silver just behind my friend Stephan Rath. Stephan got Gold with his marvellous version of Valten on horseback, and then also picked up the Slayersword with a very cool Dark Elves diorama (though I liked the Valten even more).

Tribute to the Fallen was about things lost, but also about great things to come. So he marked the beginning of my greatest project so far, the High Elves Army, still ongoing of course!


Until our next Retrospecter, enjoy the weekend!

1 comment:

David Soper said...

Fantastic - I never get tired of seeing this!