Now I will do some minor transformations to the swordmasters. Mainly I will add extra rows of scales in between the others which already exist, and then fill any gaps or imperfections with putty. So for the work on the extra amour scales, I'll first knead a little thread of putty (Green Stuff and Milliput mixed on a 50-50 basis, because it provides the flexibility and stickyness of the Green Stuff and the ability to be sanded after cured of Milliput).

Then I will pose the thread in between two rows of scales, carefully making sure it adheres properly.

With my "lightsaber" (a custom made tool which resembles a GW sculpting tool but slimmer) I start giving shape to the scales.

And this is the result!

You do this exact process for each and every one of the rows you want to add on each swordmaster and after some hours of hard work (not that hard really, but at least it takes quite some time) you have pimped the whole unit. Notice that I also filled some gaps in the banner and other areas, like some fixing I did on the hero's face.

Good job, I'm proud of myself. Now let's give the babies a little bath with soap, scratching gently with a toothbrush to scrape all dirt and grease away.

Watch them dry on my ugly towel! (The towel where the Sea Guard dried was actually prettier).

And now time to prime them, with my usual airbrush tecnique, Gunze Sangyo Hobby Color Matt White.

This time I will try something slightly different. To mark crearly where shadows will be, and by the way, outlining and saving some time, I will airbrush all the swordmasters with black from below, creating a guiding shadow.

Here they are, after the lower black priming.

And as I said before, I will base them before painting, to save time (proof of why experience is so highly valued). The bases are made with Milliput, pressing the bases to some one side moulds I have of these temple terrain, I place them over the base before the Milliput is cured so that they fit perfectly.

Once the Milliput is hard, I remove the miniatures from the bases, prime the bases with a dark colour (I used black and dark blue) and then glue them to the bases.

Time to paint!
Continue to WIP: Swordmasters of Hoeth Part 3
They look awesome! Really a pleasure with the details scale armour work! Keep on happy painting! Best Wishes
great work with pimping these dudes. can't wait for the next part.
but didn't you forget adding more scales to the helmet of the guy on the right edge of the last photo? (or second rank, left side)
Tienen buenísima pinta Rafa
I sense a huge load of commitment here. Go on man!!!
Thank you so much for sharing your talent with us over the years, please continue to do so! You have inspired me to do a similar color to my High Elves army, Keep up the great work my friend.
By the way, how is this project coming along? Will we seeing a part 3 for the swordmasters?
Take care
Of course you will!! Just don't be too impatient!!! I will finish them, of course, and all the rest of the WIPs in the blog :)
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